CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS 3rd Sunday of Advent- – 16th December 2018
Confession of children
Confession for grade 7, 8, and Teens will be on Saturday 15
th December. There will be a preparation in the Parish Hall, from 09 to 09.30 am followed by confession till 11.30 am.
Common Carol Singing
Common Carol singing (English and vernacular) has commenced and will continue every day after the 7.00pm Mass in the Church compound till Sunday, 23
rd December. The Christmas tree is put up; you are free to bring your gifts for the poor and needy in the form of useful items (except food items) and place them under the Christmas tree or, it may be handed over to Parish Office or any of the priests
Sacrament of confession
We are in 3
rd week of advent. Parishioners are requested to find time to make confessions at the earliest
Catechism Class
Catechism Class on Friday and Saturday are closed for Christmas Vacation. Classes will resume on Friday 11th of January 2019
Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule
Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule are displayed on the Notice Board as well as Church website. Parishioners are requested to kindly take note of the same
Birthday and Wedding anniversary Thanksgiving Mass
Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Thanks giving Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, 27
th December at 7.00 PM at St. Francis of Assisi Chapel. Please register for the same at the Parish office before the 26
th of December
Parish Volunteers Meeting
Parish Volunteers’ Meeting will be held on Monday 17th December at 7.45 PM in Hall No 201. All existing Volunteers and those who wish to join newly are requested to attend the meeting.
Papal visit to UAE in February 2019.
May this historical visit be an occasion of Grace for all people in this region. We also pray that it may foster genuine love and respect between people of all faith and in a special way spread the peace of God within the hearts of all people. We thank the rulers of UAE for making this event possible