CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS 5th Sunday of Easter -19th May 2019
Heartfelt thanks to our Bishop Paul
Bishop Paul administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to
149 children on Thursday i.e 16
th May and will do the same for another
118 children on Saturday 18
th May. We congratulate the children and thank our Bishop for administering the Sacraments.
We also thank the Catechism teachers and the volunteers for their dedicated service in preparing our children for receiving the sacrament.
Birthday and Wedding anniversary Thanksgiving Mass
Birthday and Wedding anniversary ThanksgivingMass will be celebrated on Thursday, 30
th May at 7.00 PM at St. Francis of Assisi Chapel. Please register for the same at the Parish office or Church Website before 27th of May
Thanksgiving Mass for 10th & 12th Grade Students
Thanksgiving Mass for the board results of 10
th & 12
th Grade Students will be on Saturday 25
th May at 10:00 am in the church. All the students who have secured 80% and above to kindly provide a copy of their mark sheet to the Parish Office by 23
rd May 2019
Pentecost Rally – 2019
National Charismatic Service Team of UAE is organizing Pentecost Rally on Friday 14
th June in St. Mary’s School Muhaisnah – Dubai from 8 am to 5 pm. More details are displayed on the notice board.