CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS 6th Sunday of Easter -26th May 2019
Youth Mass
The 7 PM Mass at the Church on Saturday 25
th May will be organized by the Youth of our Parish. Parents are encouraged to attend this Special Mass with their young children
Birthday and Wedding anniversary Thanksgiving Mass
Birthday and Wedding anniversary ThanksgivingMass will be celebrated on Thursday, 30
th May at 7.00 PM at St. Francis of Assisi Chapel. Please register for the same at the Parish office on or before the 28
th of May
The May Devotion
The May Devotion will come to end on Friday, 31
st May with the recitation of Rosary at 6.15 PM at the Grotto, followed by Holy Mass at 7 pm in the Parish Hall
Feast of Ascension
The feast of Ascension of our Lord will be celebrated on 31
st May, 1
st and 2
nd June
Month of June
The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Pentecost Sunday
Sunday, 9
th June is Pentecost Sunday. In preparation for the Feast of Pentecost, we will have 9 days novena to the Holy Spirit from Wednesday 29 May to 8
th Saturday June after 7 pm mass.
Pentecost Rally – 2019
National Charismatic Service Team of UAE is organizing Pentecost Rally on Friday 14
th June in St. Mary’s School Muhaisnah – Dubai from 8 am to 5 pm. More details are displayed on the notice board.
Legion of Mary Member’s Recruitment
Legion of Mary is conducting a Recruitment drive for new members on this Friday 24
th and Saturday 25
th from 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm at church premises
Catechism Announcements
English Catechism classes closed for summer. Classes will resume in the month of September.
Registrations for existing students continue every Friday from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon.
The Grand Finale of the Bible Quiz for children is scheduled for Friday 31st May at 9:30 am in the Parish Hall. Parishioners are invited to witness our children’s performance and encourage them with your presence.