March 5th being the First Friday of the month, we shall have Stations of the Cross at 04.20 pm and the Holy hour at 06.00 pm.
‘My Lenten Sacrifice’ envelopesare available in the Church premises and in the Parish Office. You are requested to collect one envelope per family and return it on or before Palm Sunday. This collection will be used for the poor and needy.
Personal Bible Reading with Eucharistic Adoration is held at St. Vianney Chapel in the basement every day from 03.30 pm to 08.30 pm. The faithful are requested to make the best use of this opportunity and to follow the guidelines as suggested by the volunteers.
Annual Lenten Mission for this year begins on Monday, 8th of March and ends on Thursday, 11th of March from 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm. The retreat will also be live streamed on the church website. All parishioners are invited to attend this annual retreat.
The Young Adult Ministry (YAM) of our Vicariate has organized an online retreat for the youth of our parish which will be held on the 19th and 20th of March. All the young people of our parish are encouraged to participate in this retreat. The timings will be announced shortly.