Golden Jubilee -Bible Reading registration has already commenced. Those interested parishioners can register their name online by selecting their preferred reading slot. The link for the same is available on the church website.
Online Marriage Preparation Course
Two days Marriage Preparation Course in English will be conducted online on Thursday 11th of February from 6.30 PM to 09.30 PM and on Friday 12th February, from 08.00 AM to 04.00 PM. Please register for the same in the Parish Office before 08th of February.
Baptism Preparation Seminar
Baptism preparation Seminar for parents and Godparents will be held on Monday 8th February from 8 pm to 9 pm in the Parish Hall. Please register for the same in the parish office before 7th February.
Installation of New Parish Priest
As already announced, the installation of new Parish Priest shall be on Sunday 31st of January during 7pm Mass. Our Bishop Paul Hinder will be here officiating the ceremony with Solemn High Mass. All parishioners are invited for this
Farewell to Fr. Varghese
The farewell ceremony to Fr. Varghese will be on Friday 05th February after 07 PM English Mass in the Church.