Adults who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation are requested to register their names in the Parish Office before Monday, 17th October
All coordinators of Various Languages and Prayer groups and the members of Parish Pastoral Council are requested to attend the meeting which is scheduled on Tuesday, 18th October, at 07.45 pm in the Parish Hall.
Youth mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 18th October at 07.45 pm in the Church.
The second session of meeting for newly selected Altar Servers will be on Friday 21st October 2022 at 07.30 PM in the Parish Hall.
October 23rd is World Mission Sunday. We shall celebrate the World Mission Sunday on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd October. The collections during these days will be sent to our Holy Father to support the missionary activities around the world.
Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Monday, 24th October, at 08.00 pm in the Church. Those who wish to participate in the Holy Mass, can register their names at the Parish office by 23rd October.
Jesus Youth in collaborations with all parish youth is organizing a Night Vigil with Praise and Worship and Adoration on Saturday 29th October from 08.00 pm 09.30 pm in the Church. All faithful are encouraged to join this night vigil.
Bible Alive 2023 for daily reading and reflection is available in the church bookstall.
Saints of the week:
17th October – Memoria of St. Ignatius of Antioch 18th October - Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist