TWO MASSES DAILY: As already announced, there will be live streaming two Holy Masses daily, celebrated at 6.30 AM and 7.00 PM.
COVID-19 EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND: COVID-19 is a challenging time for all, and has affected a lot of people who are in distress, with the future so unpredictable. As a community let us reach out to these destitute people. We look forward to your generous contributions towards this Initiative “Covid-19 Emergency Relief Fund”. You can make contributions by direct Bank transfer/ATM deposit to
Bank of Sharjah,Acct Name:
St. Michael's Church Parish A/C Account No: 01309038523 IBAN: AE89 0120 0000 0130 9038 523 In times like this, let's be empathetic and generous. For further details, please contact the Church office
Help Request Form: Our parishioners who are in difficult situation at movement and need some form of help, can register online at the link,
Request for Help on the Church Website.
Online Mass Booking: Online Mass booking link is available at our church website. Those interested can book the mass intentions and pay the offering money in the parish office later
Fr. Varghese Chempoly Parish Priest
St. Michael’s Church