Malayalam Community of our parish celebrates the Feast of St. Euphrasia on Friday 28th August. All parishioners are invited for the Live Streaming Feast Mass at 08.30 AM.
The Feast of the Nativity of Mother Mary (MONTHI FESTH)
The Mangalorean Konkani Community celebrates the Feast of the Nativity of Mother Mary (MONTHI FESTH) on Friday 11th September at 10:30 am. In preparation for the Fest, there will be Nine days Novena beginning from 2nd September at 7:30 pm. On 3rd September there will be Night Vigil from 7:30 pm to 12:00 midnight. You are encouraged to participate in this celebration online live streaming from the Church Website.
The Feast of Our Lady of Good Health,Vailankanni
The Tamil community celebrates the 26th feast of Our Lady of Good Health, Vailankanni. The Flag hoisting will be on Wednesday 2nd September followed by 7:00PM mass. As usual Novena will be for 9 days. The celebration of Vespers with mass will be on 11th September Friday at 4pm. The celebration of the festal mass is on 12th September Saturday at 10:00 AM.You are encouraged to participate in this celebration online live streaming from the Church Website.
Malayalam Bible Quiz
Malayalam Community is conducting online Bible Quiz in Malayalam titled, Biblia- 2020. Please register the same before 31st of August. More details are available on the Flyer posted on the Church Website.
Online Mass Booking: Online Mass booking link is available at our church website. Those interested can book the mass intentions at least one day before the mass and send the offering money to the parish office later.
Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage:Until further notice we won’t be able to administer any sacrament except the Live Streaming of the Holy Mass. It may be possible to have the celebration of Baptism and Marriage at RAK in a very low profile. Those who wish to do so, please contact our parish office and we shall coordinate with RAK parish.