CHURH ANNOUNCEMENT ON 07th June 2020 1.The Solemnity of Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Church celebrates the solemnity of Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) on Sunday 14
th June 2020.
The priests and the Emergency Relief Fund Committee of our Parish, would like to thank those parishioners who contributed generously towards the relief fund and the delivery team for their hard works to reach out to the big number of needful people. The number of request for help is on the increase day by day and the contribution is limited. Therefore, I request/encourage more parishioners to contribute however little it may be.
You can make contributions by direct Bank transfer/ ATM deposit or handed over to the Parish Office.
Name of Bank : Bank of Sharjah Acct Name :
St. Michael's Church Parish A/C Account No : 01309038523 IBAN : AE89 0120 0000 0130 9038 523 .
For further details, please contact the Church office06-5662424.
Online Mass Booking: Online Mass booking link is available at our church website. Those interested can book the mass intentions at least one day before the mass and pay the offering money in the parish office later