Our Bishop’s Pastoral Letter in English will be available with Volunteers at the church premises. You are kindly reminded to take one copy per family.
2. Due to Bible Convention in Malayalam, all prayer meetings will be cancelled from Monday 3rd through Thursday 6th February.
3. We remind the faithful that there will be Holy Hour on Friday 07th February at 06.15 PM
4. Baptism Preparation Seminar for Parents and Godparents will be on Tuesday, 11th February at 08.00 PM. The last date for the registration is 10th February.
5. Saturday 8th February will be World Day of Awareness Against Human Trafficking.
6. There will be special Holy Mass for the children of all curriculums who are preparing for the Board Exams. There will be adoration followed by Holy Mass on Saturday 8th February at 06.30 PM in the Parish Hall.
7. As part of the Jubilee year celebrations, the Jubilee of all those differently talented will be celebrated on 22nd February 2025 from 3pm to 7pm. The session includes various activities including talent shows and games for the participants. The registration forms and QR code are available on the church website and notice board. We request your support to share this news to those whom you know and encourage them to participate.
8. Night Vigil, organized by all Prayer Groups of our parish, will be held on Saturday 15th February from 10.00 PM until 4.30 am in the Parish Hall. All are invited.
Saints of the Week
03rd February: Memoria of St. Blaise
05th February: Memoria of St. Agatha
06th February: Memoria of St. Paul Miki and Companions