Kindly return the old blessed palms before 27th February so as to prepare the ashes for Lent.
The special mass for senior citizens above 60 years of age is on Monday, 14th February at 08.00 PM in the church.
Forthcoming Baptism Preparation Seminar will be on Monday, 14th February from 08.00 PM to 09.00 PM. The last date for the registration is 13th February.
Marriage Preparation Course in English will be conducted online on Saturday and Sunday i.e., 19th and 20th February 2022. The last date for the registration is 13th February.
All parishioners are encouraged to involve and contribute your views towards the Synodal process which has already been explained in the previous weeks.
The Golden Jubilee Souvenir is now available in the church compound for AED 10.
Saints of the Week
14th February : Memoria of Ss. Cyril and Methodius
18th February : Memoria of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara