Our Parish is organizing an academic books exchange on the forthcoming three Sundays, i.e. 20th and 27th March, and 3rd April from 09.00 am to 09.30 pm in the Church premises. Parishioners are encouraged to bring books ranging from KG to Grade 12. Those interested can exchange the books irrespective of the syllabus. Jesus Youth will be volunteering these days to coordinate this event.
All parishioners are invited for the Lenten mission in English that will be held from Monday 21st March to Wednesday 23rd March. Fr. Roy Clarence is the preacher who will begin the talk at 07.30 pm and conclude by 09:15pm followed by benediction.
Monday, 21st March, is Mother’s Day in the U.A.E. We pray for all mothers in a special way.
Solemnity of Annunciation of the Lord will be celebrated on Friday 25th March. On this day, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and he invites the clergy and faithful of all parishes to join him in this service of prayer for peace.
There will be General Absolution next Saturday and Sunday before all obligatory Masses.
Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Monday, 28th March at 08.00 pm in the Church. Those who wish to participate in the Holy Mass, can register their names at the Parish office by 27th March.
Those who have not collected the Lenten Sacrifice envelopes may take it from the Church premises or the Parish Office and return it on or before Palm Sunday. Your generous contributions will support and help the poor and needy.