CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Feast of Holy Family – 30th Dec 2018
New Year Mass Schedule
The Mass Schedules for New Year is displayed on the Notice Board as well as Church website and flyers are available at the church entrance.
Rooms for the sick, elderly, physically challenged and parents with infants
Please note that the following rooms will be reserved for New Year Masses on 31st December, 2018 and 1st January 2019:
a) The existing Baby’s room next to Altar will be reserved for the sick, elderly and physically challenged
b) St. Francis Assisi Chapel is reserved for parents with infants
Entry and exit points during New Year Masses
Since we have large number of faithful participating during New Year Celebrations, Parishioners are requested to cooperate with volunteers and follow the guidelines.
Keeping premises clean
Parishioners are requested to take extra care to keep the Church premises and surroundings clean and not to litter with napkins, flyers, and other items in the Church compound and outside. Kindly use the garbage bins.
Solemnity of Mother of God and World Peace Day
Our Church celebrates the Solemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and 52
nd World Peace Day on Tuesday, 1
st January 2019. The message chosen by Pope Francis for World Peace Day highlights the need for politics to be at the service of peace.
First Friday Holy Hour
The First Friday Holy hour will be held on 4
th January at 4.45pm
Epiphany of the Lord
The epiphany of the Lord will be celebrated on 4
th, 5
th and 6
th January i.e. next Friday, Saturday & Sunday
8.Baptism preparation Seminar Baptism Preparation Seminar will be held on Monday 14
th January from 8 pm to 9 pm at St. Francis of Assisi Chapel. January 13
th is the last day for registration.
Marriage Preparation Course in English
Two days Marriage Preparation Course in English will be held on Thursday 17
th January from 06.30 PM to 09.30 PM and on Friday, 18
th January from 7.30 am to 04.30pm, 15
th January is the last day for registration. Please note that the Preparation Course certificate will be issued to those who have completed two days course.
Catechism classes
Catechism Classes will resume Friday, 11
th January 2019.
Bible Alive and Calendar- 2019
Bible Alive and Calendar-2019 are available in the Parish Book Stall and in the Parish Office