Angelo Fiumicelli, Capuchin Missionary 1926-2018 The Italian Capuchin Fr. Angelo Fiumicelli passed away in Florence on 15 March 2018. Born in Poppi on 10 March 1926, he became Capuchins during the Great War and was ordained a priest on 15 March 1951. He spent 54 years as a missionary in the Arabian Peninsula, the first 5 years as assistant priest in Aden, two years in Bahrain as itinerant priest visiting Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates; then 28 long years years in Aden as the first Parish Priest of Immaculate Conception Church in Ma'alla and teacher at St Anthony's High School. In 1967 the British left Aden, a civil war followed, in 1973 all the schools and churches were confiscated by the state, the sisters and priests forced to leave the country. At the request of some ambassadors Fr. Angelo was allowed to remain and spent almost 15 years as the only priest in South Yemen. He experienced time in prison, under house arrest and untold hardships of isolation and survival His strong faith, good humour and positive approach to everybody kept him strong. In 1988 Bishop Gremoli transferred him to Dubai and made him two years later Parish Priest of St. Michael's Sharjah where he remained until his definitive return to Italy in 2007.
Two years ago, during the 100-year Jubilee of Tuscan Presence in the Gulf, he gave a wonderful short witness of his missionary life. No regrets, only thanks to God and thanks to the people. His final words were: "Love one another and God will be with you." May the Lord reward Fr. Angelo. Let us pray for him