The Holy Week 2018 Service timings in detail are displayed on the Notice Board and Church web site
Collections during the Holy Week
The Good Friday collection is for Holy Land. The Collections during other days of Holy Week will go towards supporting the various projects of our Vicariate.
Lenten Confession
Wednesday 28
th March will be the last day for Lenten Confession. Priests are available for confession on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - Morning from 05.45 AM to 12 Noon and Evening from 04 PM to 09.00 PM in the Church
Catechism classes
Catechism is canceled on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.
Entry and exit points during Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday
Since we have a large number of faithful participating during Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday services, Parishioners are requested to cooperate with volunteers and follow the guidelines.
Room for the sick, elderly, physically challenged and parents with infants
Please note the reservation of rooms for all the Masses on 29
th, 30
th & 31
st March & 1
st April :
The existing Baby’s room next to Altar will be reserved for the
sick, elderly and physically challenged.
St. Francis Assisi Chapel is reserved for parents with infants
Volunteers are requested to kindly ensure that these rooms are made available to them.
My Lenten Sacrifice Envelope
Every family and individual is requested to take the “My Lenten Sacrifice for the poor and needy envelopes” which are available at Church entrance and Parish Office and return them with your Lenten Sacrifice