Confession for Children: Parents are requested to note the date and time of Children’s Confession
On Saturday, 9th December for the children of grades 4, 5 and 6
On Saturday 16
th December for children of Grades 7 and 8 and Teens
During these days, children will have the preparation in Parish Hall, from 09 am to 09.30 am followed by the confession till 11. 30 AM.
Live Rosary Meditation: The Lifeteens of English Catechism will be conducting a Live Rosary Meditation in honour of The Feast of Immaculate Conception on Friday 8th December from 11.45 am to 1.00 pm in the Parish Hall. Parents are also welcome for this live rosary.
Marriage Preparation Course in Malayalam: Two days Marriage Preparation Course in Malayalam will be held on Thursday 7th December from 06.30 PM to 09.30 PM and on Friday, 08th December from 7.30 am to 04.30pm at St. Francis Assisi Chapel. 06th December is the last day for registration. Please note that the Course certificate will be issued to those who have completed two days course.
Simbang Gabi 2017: for the Filipino Community: Filipino Community of our Parish will celebrate Simbang Gabi from 15th December to 23 rd December 2017 on following
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after 7 PM mass in Church
Thursday at 07.30 PM in the Parish Hall
Friday at 6.45pm in the Church
Saturday at 8.00pm in the Parish Hall after Konkani Mass
Sunday at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
Baptism preparation: Baptism Preparation Seminar will be held on Monday 11th December from 8 pm to 9 pm at St. Francis of Assisi Chapel. December 10th is the last day for registration
Christmas Gifts for the poor and needy: You are encouraged to bring your Christmas Gifts for the poor and needy in the form of useful items (except food items). This may be handed over to Parish Office or any of the priests
Christmas Party for Children: As already announced, the Christmas Party for all children will be held on Friday 15th December in Parish Hall. Registration has already commenced and will continue for two weeks after the English Obligatory Mass. Please register early.
Bible Alive and Calendar- 2018 Bible Alive and Calendar-2018 are available in the Parish Book Stall and in the Parish Office