2nd Sunday in Ordinary time Sunday, 14th January 2018
Special Thanksgiving Mass by Fr. Tom Uzhunnalil
We will have special thanksgiving masses celebrated by Fr.Tom Uzhunnalil and Fr. George Muttathuparambil on Saturday, 13
th January at 5.30Pm & 7.00Pm Masses, Fr. Tom will Speak to the Faithful after Malayalam mass as well. Please come and express your appreciation for his faith.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees
The 104
th World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated on Sunday, 14
th January. ‘
Welcoming, protecting, promoting, and integrating migrants and refugees is the theme chosen by Holy Father on this occasion.
BaptismPreparation Course
Baptism Preparation Course will be held on Monday 15
th January from 8.00pm to 9.00pm at St. Francis of Assisi Chapel. January 14
th is the last day for registration
Birthday and Wedding anniversary Thanksgiving Mass
Birthday and Wedding anniversary Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, the 25
th January at 7.00 PM at St. Francis of Assisi Chapel. Please register for the same at the Parish office before the 24
th of January
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The 2018 Universal week of prayer for Christian unity will be from 18
th to 25
th January. We request parishioners to please pray for this intention in a special way.
Church Calendar is available at Parish Books Stall.
Family World Gathering in Ireland
Parishioners who have registered for the world gathering of families in Ireland, been requested to make an advance payment of AED 500/- per person to confirm their registration to Parish office. The deadline is 30
th January.
Fr. Varghese Chempoly, the Parish Priest, will be out of station from 15 to 30 this month of January. In his absence, kindly approach Fr. Maxim Pinto for official matters.
Thanks to Fr. Binu, on behalf of all the priests and Parishioners, we express our gratitude to Fr. Binu for his service.