3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, 21st January 2018
Family Seminar
We have a special talk by Sr. David Delaney from Mumbai on “strengthening Family relations” on 23rd January, Tuesday from 07:30 pm to 9:30 pm in the Parish Hall. All Families are invited to attend the seminar.
Birthday and Wedding anniversary Thanksgiving Mass
Birthday and Wedding anniversary Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, the 25
th January at 7.00 PM at St. Francis of Assisi Chapel. Please register for the same at the Parish office before the 24
th of January.
Family World Gathering in Ireland
Parishioners who have registered for the world gathering of families in Ireland, been requested to make an advance payment of AED 500/- per person to confirm their registration to Parish office. The deadline is 30
th January.
Basic Information in the Church Calendar:
Very often so many people call to the Parish Office to enquire about the Mass Timings, Requirements for Marriage, Baptism, etc., The Basic updated information is available in the Church Calendar. Please go to the last page and find it.
Cancellation of English Catechism Class
In view of the annual Christian Formation Conference at St. Mary’s Church, Dubai on 2
nd and 3
rd Feb’2018, there will not be catechism classes on 2
nd February Friday &3
rd February Saturday.
Welcome To Fr.Brillis
Fr.Brillis is a newly ordained Priest belonging to the Community of Grace, will be with us to help us in our Parish. He is an incardinate Priest of our Vicariate. A hearty welcome to him. We wish him a fruitful ministry and a pleasant stay at St. Michael’s. You can avail his services in your Spiritual needs.