Online Catechism Classes for grades 1 to 8 and life-teens have already started. The timing is as follow:
Friday Classes Grades 1, 3, 4, 6, and 8 : 10 am Grades 2 and 5 : 11 am Grade 7 and Lifeteen : 12 noon
Saturday Classes Grades 1 to 8 : 09.30 am
The existing and new students who have already registered, will receive the email from the teacher informing the grade and section as well as the time of class.Those who have not yet registered - please visit the church website and register under the tab Catechism - English.
Parents are requested to encourage their children to attend the Catechism Mass that is scheduled on every Friday at 09.00 am. It is Obligatory Mass for all students who are attending Friday and Saturday Classes.
Baptism Preparation Seminar
Baptism preparation Seminar for parents and Godparents will be held on Monday 12th October from 8 pm to 9 pm in the Parish Hall. Please register for the same in the parish office before 10th of October.
Golden Jubilee of Our St. Michael’s Parish
On coming Sunday, with the concelebrated 7.00 PM Mass, we will be inaugurating the one-year celebration of the Golden Jubilee of our Parish.
General Absolution
On the following week, there will be having a brief Rite of Reconciliation with the General Absolution, before all the obligatory masses which are celebrated with the people in the Church.
Use of Sacristy
Please note that the Sacristy is a sacred place. Only authorized persons are expected to enter it. Besides priests, the authorized persons are the Sacristan, Liturgy coordinator, Sound System operator and one community representative for Vernacular Masses.