Our sincere thanks to all Parishioners including Sponsors, Core Team members, Ushers, Prayer Groups and Language Group Coordinators for their support and dedicated service to make the Family Fest successful.
Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Monday, 27th November, at 07.45 pm in the Church. You may register your names at the Parish office.
The Feast of St. Andrew, the Apostle will be celebrated on Thursday, 30th November.
On Friday 1st December, we shall have the Holy Hour at 06.15 pm followed by Holy Mass at 07.00 PM and blessing of Christmas Tree. December 1st is World AIDS Day.
Goan speaking faithful of our parish will be celebrating the Feast of St. Francis Xavier on Saturday 2nd December at 10.00
am in the Church.
Advent begins from Sunday 3rd December. During Advent seasons, we avoid decorating the Altar with flower and omit Gloria.
NSC CHARIS, UAE is organizing 5th Gulf Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services Conference (GCCRS) from 1st December to 3rd December 2023 at St. Mary’s Church, Dubai. Faithful are encouraged to approach the registration counter for booking
Following weekend, the Catechism Classes will be cancelled.
Marriage Preparation Course in Malayalam will be 09th and 10th December. The last date for registration is 06th December.
Parishioners are encouraged to buy Bible Alive with daily reading and reflection and the books on Martyrs of Arabia which are available at the Counter in the Church Compound.