Due to the continuous rain, the Catechism classes tomorrow will be held online and the Catechism masses will remain cancelled.
Marriage Preparation course in English is also postponed to 16th and 17th March.
Baptism Preparation Seminar for Parents and Godparents will be on Tuesday, 12th March at 08.00 pm. The last date for the registration is 11th March.
Lenten confession for all children of grade 5 to 12 are scheduled on Friday, 15th March from 5.00 pm to 06:30 pm and Saturday 16th March from 09 am to 11.30 am. Parents are requested to encourage your children to confess during this allotted time.
A spiritual movie is organized for youth of our Parish on Saturday 16th March at 06.00 PM in St. Francis of Assisi Chapel.
Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Monday, 25th March at 7.45 PM in the Church