Month of May is dedicated to Mother Mary. We will be praying the rosary at the Grotto every day at 05.10am and 06.20pm.
The feast of Ss. Philip and James, the Apostles, will be celebrated on Friday 3rd May.
There will be Holy Hour on Friday, 03rd May at 06.15 PM
Parishioners are requested to pray for our children who will receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion next weekend.
Marriage Preparation Course in English will be held on 11th and 12th May at Assisi Chapel. The Last date for registration is 08th May.
The Spiritual Summer Camp in English for our children will be from 08th to 21st July. Further details will be announced shortly.
In view of the Extraordinary Jubilee of the martyrdom of St. Arethas and his Companions, the Holy Relic will be kept for 9 days each in all Parishes for the faithful to venerate. Accordingly, our parish will have the privilege of having the Relic exposed from Monday 3rd June to Wednesday 12th June for the faithful. The detailed plan will be announced later.
Saints of the Week May 2nd – Memoria of St. Athanasius