All faithful are requested to gather in the Parish Hall on Monday 3rd June at 06.45 PM for the procession with the Holy Relic of St. Arethas from the Parish Hall to the Church followed by Solemn Mass and First Day Novena to St. Arethas and Companions.
The solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus will be celebrated on Friday 7th June.
Faithful are reminded of the Holy Hour on Friday, 07th June at 06.15 PM
We shall offer a thanksgiving Mass on Friday 7th June at 07.00 pm on behalf of all students for their good results on the Board Exam.
Spiritual Summer Camp in English for our children including Teens and Youth will be from 08th to 21st July. Registration counters will be open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays starting from 7th June.
We invite sponsors with generous contributions to support Spiritual Summer Camp financially. You may give your contributions to the Parish Office. You can also drop the contributions in the boxes placed at the church compound.
The Parishioners who are interested to join the Summer Camp as teachers, resource persons and volunteers, are requested to approach the parish office.
Baptism Preparation Seminar will be on Tuesday, 11th June at 08.00 pm. The last date for registration is 10th June.
A meeting will be organized by the Parish Priest for the core team members of all Prayer Groups, Language Groups and other pious associations on Thursday 13th June at 08.00 PM in the Parish Hall. This meeting is mandatory for all core team members.
Saints of the Week 03rd June : Memoria of St. Charles Luwanga and Companions 05th June : Memoria of St. Boniface 8th June : Memoria of Immaculate Heart of Mary