1. Our sincere thanks to all Parishioners including Sponsors, Core Team members, Ushers, Prayer Groups and Language Group Coordinators for their support and dedicated service to make the Family Fest successful. The income from the Family Fest will be announced next week as some expenses are still pending.
2.We remind the faithful that there will be Holy Hour on Friday, 06th December at 06.15 PM
3. Baptism Preparation Seminar will be on Tuesday, 10th December from 8 pm to 9 pm. The last date for the registration is 09th December.
4. In preparation for Advent, our parish will be organizing a special Spiritual Talk for all Ushers, Lectors, and Ministers of Communion on Saturday, 14th December, from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM in the Parish Hall. Fr. Michael Fernandes, Custos of Capuchin Custody of Arabia, will be the preacher for the talk. All are encouraged to attend.
Bible Alive and Church Calendar 2025 are available in the Church compound.