The faithful are requested to refer to the church website and Notice Boards in the church compound for the revised mass timings. Kindly cooperate with the temporarily revised mass timings effective from 7th January 2022.
The upcoming Baptism Preparation Seminar will be on Monday, 17th January from 8 pm to 9 pm. The last date for the registration is 16th January.
Since most of the raffle coupons are not yet sold, the parish council has proposed to postpone the date of raffle draw. The new date will be announced soon.
Children below 12 years, elderly people above 60 years, pregnant women and those who are sick are strictly not allowed to enter the Church premises.
There will be temperature check for all those entering the church.
All faithful are requested to follow the COVID protocol strictly wearing mask, maintaining social distance and by dispersing soon after the mass.
You are also reminded to be vaccinated with booster dose. Please remember to have Al Hosn App with green code.
Kindly cooperate with the police department and church ushers who are there to guide and help you
On behalf of the priests at St. Michael’s community, I wish you all a happy feast of Mary Mother of God and wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year 2022.
Our gratitude and sincere thanks to His Highness Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qassimi, Ruler of Sharjah and all the Government Departments, especially Sharjah Police and its various Departments
Prayerful wishes and thanks to all parishioners, Rev. Sisters, Parish Ushers, Parish Council Members, Language Coordinators, Lay Ministers, Liturgical Team, and all the staff of St. Michael’s Church