Temporarily revised obligatory mass timings are posted on the church website and on the notice boards.
The English Catechism children who were previously attending classes on Fridays will now be attending them on Sundays and those attending on Saturdays will continue to attend them on Saturdays itself. The circular regarding new class timings have been sent to the parents by email.
Adults who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation are requested to kindly register for the same in the Parish Office by the 16th of this month.
There will be special mass for senior citizens above 60 years of age on Monday 10th of January at 08.00 PM in the church
Solemnity of Our Lady of Arabia, Principal Patroness of Gulf, will be celebrated on 15th January.
Baptism Preparation Seminar will be on Monday, 17th January from 8 pm to 9 pm. The last date for the registration is 16th January.
The date for the Raffle Draw will be on Divine Mercy Sunday i.e., 24th April 2022
The Annual Meeting for the Priests of our Vicariate will be held virtually from 10th to 13th January. During these days, Fathers will not be available in their offices except for masses. You may approach the Guest Priest, Fr. Boniface Furtado, for any spiritual assistance via Parish Office.
Saints of the Week
12th January: Memoria of St. Bernard of Corleon