Baptism Preparation Seminar for parents and godparents will be on Monday, 14th June at 08.00 PM. The last date for the registration is 13th of June.
There will be a special mass for the faithful who are above 60 years of age on Monday 14th June at 08.00 PM in the Church. All senior citizens are welcome to attend this Eucharistic celebration.
The Sacrament of First Holy Communion for the children who have attended both grades 3 and 4 is scheduled on Thursday 8th July at 06.00 PM in the church. The last date for the registration is Monday, 14th June. Kindly approach the parish office for the same.
Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Monday, 28th of June at 8.00 PM in the Church. Those who wish to participate in the Holy Mass can register their names at the Parish office before 27th June.
Golden Jubilee Souvenir
As announced earlier, we will be printing the souvenir as a part of our Golden Jubilee celebrations. We invite our parishioners to share their talents in the form of articles, poems and artwork. We also invite those parishioners who have received Sacraments from our parish and those who have spent more than 40 years in our parish to share their photos and memories to be included in the souvenir. Those interested may kindly approach the Parish Office.
All the collections will be directed towards helping the poor and needy and for the maintenance of our church.