The Retreat in Malayalam will be held from Monday 20th February to Thursday 23rd February from 08.00 PM to 09.30 PM in the Church.
22nd February is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lenten Season. The Mass timings are as follow:
Masses in English : 05.45 am, 07.00 am, 08.15 am : 05.00 pm, 06.00 pm & 07.00pm in the Church
Mass in Tagalog : 08.15 pm in the Parish Hall
Mass in Malayalam : 08.15 pm in the Church
Lent begins forSyro-Malabar community from 20th February with Holy Mass at 08.00 pm in the Church.
Fasting & Abstinence is observed on Ash Wednesday and Fridays. During the Lenten season, we omit “Alleluia” and “Gloria”. The faithful are reminded not to bring any flowers to decorate the Altar /Sanctuary. Instead, you may bring your love offerings for the poor and needy.
Stations of the Cross in Englishduring lentwill be at 05.00 am and 06.20 pm everyday followed by regular Holy Masses.
Stations of the Cross in Malayalam will be on Wednesdays at 08.15pm.
Stations of the Cross in other languages, Arabic, Konkani, Marathi, Singhalese, Tagalog, Tamil and Urdu, will be on Sundays prior to the respective language masses.
Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Monday, 27th February at 7.45 PM in the Church.
Marriage Preparation Course in English will be on 11th and 12th of March at Assisi Chapel. The Last date for registration is 05th March.
There will be special collection today and tomorrow to support the people who are very badly affected by Earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
Saints of the Week 23rd February: Memoria of Polycarp